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Sangría literally means bloodletting in Spanish.[2] The term sangria used for the drink can be traced back to the 18th century. According to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol, sangria’s origins “cannot be pinpointed exactly, but early versions were popular in Spain, Greece, and England.”[3][4] Sangaree, a predecessor drink to sangria that was served either hot or cold, likely originated in the Caribbean (West Indies),[5][6] and from there was introduced to…
Check out our new video and know Noches de Colombia in a more closer way.
COLOMBIAN COFFEE is the denomination given to a 100% washed Arabica coffee produced in the coffee growing regions of Colombia, delimited between the North altitude 1° to 11°15, Longitude West 72° to 78° and specific ranges of altitude that can surpass the 2.000 meters above the sea level. It originates from the particular combination of diverse factors: the latitude and…